April 2024

Although there have been a few nicer days this month, the garden and especially the veg seems to be ever so slow in germinating. I blame the lack of light. It’s been warm on some days but very little sunshine. There’s been a big drop in overnight temperature too. However since I want my conservatory for me to sit in rather than being used as a greenhouse, the remaining seedlings have been evicted to the little greenhouse outside!

It’s not all bad news though. The tulips have been beautiful – still are.

Pretty Princess

I treated myself to another Acer. I had a big pot that previously held a fuchsia that had sadly given up the ghost. It’s in a nice shady spot and I love the colour.

The apple tree has seven little buds on it! Hopefully they can all hang on until autumn.

These are the rose bushes and some “Hotel California” Lilies. Looks like the lilies have seeded and there will be a couple more this year.

Word of the Week 3/5/2024 Ready #WotW

I am more than ready for the weather to improve! I know this week has been a lot nicer than previously but still, it’s May! Come on sunshine!

I am also ready for the Bank Holiday weekend. I am tired, grumpy and in need of a few days from school runs and work. Also my cupboards are full, the freezer is stocked and I have plenty of wine in. I am more than ready to not have to go anywhere at all!

Of course all this readiness doesn’t just happen. I’ve spent the week running round, doing shopping, making on line orders and such.

I ordered some replacement cushions for the conservatory furniture, they arrived yesterday at 7.30am! Just as well I was up. I had the day off work as the school is used as a Polling Station and Sir isn’t at college on Thursdays. So after another shopping trip, he and I set about emptying the conservatory, giving it a good clean, tidying it up and putting out the new cushions. We haven’t sat in there for ages, and it showed. But now it is ready for use whatever the weather.

In doing so I found some seed potatoes I’d put in there to chit. They were more than ready to be put in the ground. I know it’s a bit late but the ones I planted on time aren’t doing much so I don’t think it will be long before they catch up!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Word of the Week 27/4/2024 Non Stop #WotW

I know I missed last week and I shall get to that in a minute, but the past fortnight has been non stop going from one drama to the next.

My parents asked me to feed their fish whilst they were away, so last Friday (a week ago) I went over as I had a dentist appointment and my dentist is near where they live. I attempted to disarm the alarm however the button refused to work. I left the house closing the door behind me thinking that would be enough to stop it going off. No.

The alarm went off. So I opened the door, tried the button again and bingo! this time it worked. Then I had phone calls from my Dad, my brother and my husband telling me the alarm system had phoned them to say it was going off. I told them I was aware of that….

I fed the fish, reset the alarm and all was peaceful again.

I attended my dental appointment, and was informed I needed a filling. Did I want it done now or later? Well since I was sat there it seemed daft to wait. I paid my money and left only for the receptionist to call me and say she hadn’t charged me the right amount. Could I go back. So back I went.

I returned home to a letter from the Crown Court summoning Sir to Jury Service. Oh how I laughed. I filled out an online form to get him excused and yesterday received confirmation that he doesn’t have to do it.

Madam had a drama over taking cuddly toys to school. Long story short she took one out onto the playing field for PE and it ended up face down in the grass. I’ve told her she is not taking them anymore and she wasn’t happy. We have now reached a compromise whereby she can take one in the car to school but it comes home with me.

The Little Dears have caused a few dramas this week that I obviously can’t go into but they’ve certainly kept us on our toes.

Sir has been in a funny mood, last weekend he was awful. We think it was Hay Fever. He’s been better as the week went on. I am back to looking for a day centre for him (HaHa) and have enquired at the Dr about making sure this years Learning Disability Review is face to face and not a 50 second phone call.

Between school/college runs and work it seems I am non stop driving up and down the same piece of road. Apparently now there are roadworks on it and the traffic yesterday afternoon was terrible.

Then today I happened to mention to Sir that he needed new sandals. I was going to look online but no he wanted to go there and then to get new ones. The retail park on a Saturday is not my favourite place but he chose and paid for the sandals himself 🙂

Now I’m hoping for a quieter week!

Photo by Jan van der Wolf on Pexels.com

Word of the Week 14/4/2024 Routine #WotW

Back to our normal routine this week after a lovely fortnight off. School and College runs, work, shopping – certain shops on certain days keeps Sir happy! Coffee morning with my friend, the ever present housework and Sir wanting to be outside with his bubble mix and water tables when he’s at home.

Back to work too although that is never routine. This week we’ve had flooded toilets, one of the little dears got his finger stuck in a trolley and had to be freed – he was unharmed fortunately!

I’m getting back into the routine of going out in the garden as often as I can. The seeds I plated earlier are slowly beginning to germinate. Fingers crossed they grow!

Photo by Aphiwat chuangchoem on Pexels.com

Word of the Week 5/4/2024 Hoiiday #WotW

I missed last week because we were on holiday and since we’ve been off all this week too Holiday can count for both.

We went on our annual break to Centerparcs Sherwood Forest. I’d booked us an early check in this time and it worked really well, allowing us access to our villa from 2pm instead of 4pm.

We had a really nice time, an array of geese, swans and squirrels coming to visit our accommodation each day. We spent time in the Swimming Paradise, ate out a couple of times, had most of our meals in the villa though to save money.

Just as well I had such a relaxing time because this week has not felt like a holiday at all! We had a nice Easter weekend with family, then the fun began. I decided to give Sir a haircut – a challenge in itself. Then I busied myself sowing and planting this year’s veg.

On Tuesday Sir had a dentist appointment which is not his favourite thing. Afterwards – because I’d bribed him – we went to the local retail park where a passing bird decided to poop all over my car…. So when we got home I had to wash it.

Wednesday was more fun. We are applying for Universal Credit on behalf of Sir and so we had to go to the job centre for a “work commitment interview” It very quickly became apparent to all that this was just not appropriate. The lady we spoke to was lovely and he doesn’t have to go back. Just a 26 page form about his disabilities to fill in and a paper copy of his EHCP to obtain. Simples.

Thursday Madam’s friend came over and the girls had a happy afternoon. The grown ups drank coffee and ate cake.

Today the kids and I went into town to run a few errands. Then I was back outside sowing many flower seeds!

Next week we are all back to normal. I’m looking forward to the rest!

March 2024

Again there have not been many days when I could get out in the garden, in fact Saturday (30th) was the first proper afternoon I’ve had out there since last year. Mostly I sorted things out, moved stuff from the shed and made my broken greenhouse look like it might be slightly useful. I did plant out my potatoes a couple of weeks ago as we were going on holiday and I didn’t want to leave them, same for some Dahlia tubers.

But gardens don’t always need our interference – just as well – and my Spring flowers are looking lovely.

The apple tree has been the first to blossom this year, looks very pretty.

Daffodils are one of my favourites.

The border is looking very good, Grape Hyacinths, Tulips, Daffodils. There are some lilies coming up too.

I made a Gardening Resolution that this year I would try and sow as many of the many free packets of seeds I have accumulated as I can. Today I made a start with Nasturtiums.

As it’s the Easter holidays I am hoping to get out and really get on with some planting, weather permitting of course!

Word of the Week 23/3/2024 Appointments #WotW

We are in the process of claiming Universal Credit for Sir, several people advised us to. The job centre booked him an appointment for Tuesday this week but since he was at college I rebooked it for Wednesday, Hubby cleared his diary so he could come along too and I had to alter Sir’s dentist appointment to accommodate it.

It went surprisingly well, a further appointment has been made for a fortnights time. in the meantime I was asked to get him a FIT note (sick note) from the Dr. Ha Ha Ha Ha.

So, on Thursday morning I phoned them up, there were no available appointments but I did learn that it could be done over the phone and the form sent to me by email. Bingo! Next day I phoned again and GOT AN APPOINTMENT!!!! Of course they said they’d call me at the exact time I’m working. Fortunately the Head of the school I work at is lovely and said I could keep my phone with and to nip back into an empty classroom to take the call.

After missing one call, ringing back and so on I spoke to a Clinician who I’m sure is very competent with medical issues but had no idea about sick notes. He said he’d speak to his supervisor.

Long story very short after initially calling at 8.30am I got the sick note at 5.30pm.

So now I get a week’s break before the appointments all roll round again.

Photo by Leeloo The First on Pexels.com

Word of the Week 16/3/2024 Pass codes #WotW

My entire week has consisted of requesting, being sent and entering pass codes. I know I know Internet security and all that but there has just be SO many of them. Followed by verification emails. And phone calls and more emails…

A bank that I only have one very old account with decided in it’s infinite wisdom that I should be moved onto internet banking. They send emails to an address I no longer use and finally resorted to good old fashioned letter to tell me this. I received emails with information on, letters with pass codes on and of course having entered all this information I had to create my own pass code.

In my infinite wisdom – maybe that could have been my word- I applied for Universal Credit on Sir’s behalf. Inevitably this meant creating an account and getting pass codes. There is no number to ring and the whole process is a series of tick boxes and leaving messages on their system. It is completely inappropriate for someone like Sir. He has to attend the job centre on Wednesday. That’ll be fun.

On top of this I’ve had the nastiest sore throat ever. Never have I had to resort to pain killers for a sore throat. It’s horrible and I hope none of you get it. I rang the Dr, they have a new system where by if you press the right combination of buttons you get a call back. Unfortunately they didn’t have any appointments but did refer me to a local pharmacy where they can prescribe medicine. So numbers to press, emails to read and calls to make. Finally got sorted and I am feeling better today.

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

Word of the Week 8/3/2024 Reading #WotW

I love to read but I don’t always have or make the time to do so. This week I seem to have caught the bug again because I’ve ploughed (pun intended) through two books by James Rebanks better known on Twitter as the Herdwick Shepherd and am halfway into a third. His wife Helen Rebanks has also written a book which I highly recommend.

I don’t live on a farm, know nothing about sheep but these books have always held my attention, it’s like visiting an old friend.

I’ve also been reading my magazines and deciding which ones to take on our upcoming holiday.

I read in bed on my e reader every night. I admit it’s not the same as an actual book.

Also I’ve been reading my recipe books. Every since I made that lemon drizzle cake I’ve been baking every weekend. Today I’m making a Victoria Sponge.

There have been a few emails to read too as apparently the college have staffing issues with agency staff not turning up! As a result Sir can’t go in on Monday – which of course is the one day Hubby has to go out. If it were my I would be reading those folks the riot act.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

February 2024

The weather this month has been truly dreadful so needless to say I have not been out in the garden. However it seems to be happily taking care of itself at the moment.

Spring bulbs are up and flowering with more on the way. The apple tree has buds on it, soon the pear and plum tree will follow.

I started some veg seeds in the conservatory and most of them have germinated. I intend to leave them where they are for a while and hopefully in a few weeks I can plant them out as small plants and maybe they might do better.