Word of the Week 5/2/2016 Relieved #WotW

So after last week’s shenanigans everyone is now well and back to school – thank goodness!

But we can’t not have a bit of drama, on Wednesday morning the central heating didn’t come on. It was due to be serviced on the 15th so I phone my trusty gas man to see if he could come out before. The boiler has been making weird clicking noises too, but we felt it was more a thermostat problem. Turns out we were right and now it’s working properly – very relieved! The job was finished in time for me to go to work too which was also a relief.

My wine order turned up today, all present and correct and as we’d nearly run out that’s a relief too! LOL! 😀

I’m linking with Jocelyn http://www.thereadingresidence.com/word-of-the-week-5216/


12 thoughts on “Word of the Week 5/2/2016 Relieved #WotW

  1. It must have been a relief to get your central heating sorted so quickly.It took us weeks to get ours sorted, but at least we have a wood burner too. The wine sounds the perfect end to the week.


  2. So glad you didn’t have a major heating problem. Boilers can cause such problems can’t they. Yay for the wine order #WotW

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