Word of the Week 27/4/2024 Non Stop #WotW

I know I missed last week and I shall get to that in a minute, but the past fortnight has been non stop going from one drama to the next.

My parents asked me to feed their fish whilst they were away, so last Friday (a week ago) I went over as I had a dentist appointment and my dentist is near where they live. I attempted to disarm the alarm however the button refused to work. I left the house closing the door behind me thinking that would be enough to stop it going off. No.

The alarm went off. So I opened the door, tried the button again and bingo! this time it worked. Then I had phone calls from my Dad, my brother and my husband telling me the alarm system had phoned them to say it was going off. I told them I was aware of that….

I fed the fish, reset the alarm and all was peaceful again.

I attended my dental appointment, and was informed I needed a filling. Did I want it done now or later? Well since I was sat there it seemed daft to wait. I paid my money and left only for the receptionist to call me and say she hadn’t charged me the right amount. Could I go back. So back I went.

I returned home to a letter from the Crown Court summoning Sir to Jury Service. Oh how I laughed. I filled out an online form to get him excused and yesterday received confirmation that he doesn’t have to do it.

Madam had a drama over taking cuddly toys to school. Long story short she took one out onto the playing field for PE and it ended up face down in the grass. I’ve told her she is not taking them anymore and she wasn’t happy. We have now reached a compromise whereby she can take one in the car to school but it comes home with me.

The Little Dears have caused a few dramas this week that I obviously can’t go into but they’ve certainly kept us on our toes.

Sir has been in a funny mood, last weekend he was awful. We think it was Hay Fever. He’s been better as the week went on. I am back to looking for a day centre for him (HaHa) and have enquired at the Dr about making sure this years Learning Disability Review is face to face and not a 50 second phone call.

Between school/college runs and work it seems I am non stop driving up and down the same piece of road. Apparently now there are roadworks on it and the traffic yesterday afternoon was terrible.

Then today I happened to mention to Sir that he needed new sandals. I was going to look online but no he wanted to go there and then to get new ones. The retail park on a Saturday is not my favourite place but he chose and paid for the sandals himself 🙂

Now I’m hoping for a quieter week!

Photo by Jan van der Wolf on Pexels.com

6 thoughts on “Word of the Week 27/4/2024 Non Stop #WotW

  1. I can just imagine the tone in your voice as you told your father you knew the alarm. Poor fish. I hope they were ok too. The jury summons must have been fun. Please tell me you were tempted for a split seconds to let it roll? I know what you mean about seeing the same bit of road over and over again. I’ve felt like that too this week. Here’s to a quieter week, where you have time to put your feet up and relax.

    • The fish were completely unbothered by the alarm drama, they just wanted their food LOL! I did think about letting him go for a second or two and it would have been highly entertaining.. probably ended up with him being done for contempt of court .. but entertaining!

  2. I’m tired now. I understand the non-stop, but I don’t have to run around thankfully. I will once I’m driving properly but I have to make this lot understand that I’m not that physical anymore, that will be fun. I’m glad you sorted the fish. I remember once when I worked at the library at the end of the road, I used to go and open up and close up so I knew the alarm number. One day I realised I’d left a cake I’d bought in the staff room, so I thought I’d just pop back and collect it. Going in was ok, but coming out I just blanked on the alarm number. Half way home I heard the alarm going off. I just panicked and went home and never told anyone. (the security had to come out) Good job it was the day before cameras.

  3. Oh gosh! What a lot of dramas.
    What a nightmare with the alarm at your parents house. I would have really panicked.
    That’s good that Sir doesn’t have to do jury duty and oh dear with Madam and her cuddly toys. x

  4. I think you could have chosen drama as your word. There definitely was a lot of it. Jury service! Oh dear. Although I do silently wish they would call me in one day for it. That alarm going off is a reminder we need to sort one out. Wishing for less drama for you next week.

  5. Glad you managed to get the alarm to stop in the end! Good to get the filling over and done with. Having the cuddly toy in the car sounds like a good compromise. We do the same with Thomas. Good luck with managing to find a day centre for Sir and that you can get a face-to-face appointment for his Learning Disability Review. #WotW

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