Word of the Week 3/6/2016 Quiet #WotW

Not quiet as in peaceful though.. certainly not with my two at home for the week. I have a theory that musicians do not need stacks of amplifiers in order to project their sound into vast arenas, they just need to borrow Sir’s tablet…

It’s been a quiet as in not busy kind of week. It’s half term and apart from getting Madam a hair cut, we really haven’t done anything. The kids have played in the garden when the weather has allowed it, I’ve got on and done housework, shopping and exciting stuff like that. Plus I’ve had a couple of nights where I haven’t slept well, which has made me tired and grumpy. Just as well we’ve been at home.

I’m linking with Jocelyn http://www.thereadingresidence.com/word-week-3616/

10 thoughts on “Word of the Week 3/6/2016 Quiet #WotW

  1. Sometimes you need weeks like this, I think, just to relax around the home and get things done. Similar story here, am just hoping for a warmer, sunny weekend now to round it off. Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Quite half terms are often the best ones. We all needed it too. Must be something in the air cos I’ve not slept well this week either :/

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